
Revealing the entire d.e.a.d.l.y trap Yaz prepared for Holly in Neighbours

The Lights Up event gets underway with Holly enjoying the fruits of her labour, oblivious to the deadly fate Yaz has waiting in store for her. Yaz meanwhile prepares to leave town, but not before podcaster Blaze urges her to listen to the latest episode of Crimesborough which she insists adds so much extra perspective to the story of what happened in the outback.

Unbeknownst to Yaz, Nicolette is trying to find her off the back of their last conversation, and this eventually leads her to Yaz’s hotel room, which she finds trashed and Yaz’s belongings gone. She also discovers a business card for a criminal lawyer… and when she shows it to Krista, she learns this is the lawyer for Heath’s family, who do not believe he was a murderer… jigsaw pieces start to come together for Nicolette.

Yaz finally listens to the new podcast, where she hears testimonies from Mackenzie, Haz, Toadie and Melanie, who help her finally see that she’s been blinded by her love for Heath and read the situation completely wrong with regards to both Heath and Holly. Forced to face her grave error, she rushes back to try to stop Holly from being electrocuted…

Seeing an opportunity to spend quality Sme with Krista, Sebastian attempts to cheer her up after the drama of The Lights Up event and suggests spending the day together. But Sebastian’s left disappointed when she chooses a picnic with Leo and Abigail over him.

Jane’s on a new dating app which matches based on personality, without photos, and she’s been thoroughly enjoying talking with someone she’s dubbed ‘Renaissance Man’. Nicolette and Terese are wary of her falling for someone she’s never seen… But when Jane explains they’ve bonded over books, music, puzzles and more, it appears the two might be a match made in heaven. However, Jane is in for a surprise when she eventually meets Clint.

Hiliary and Paul Robinson

Andrew updates Sadie and Byron on the Varga-Murphys delayed return from their trip when he notices movement from their house. He leaves to check it out but soon comes back and reports it was a false alarm – no one was there. Still feeling guilty about the piercing saga, Byron hatches a plan to show Sadie he supports her choice undisputedly; he’s going to get a piercing himself. But can he go through with it?

Later in the week Ramsay Street is awash with confusion upon learning there’s a connection between Yaz and Heath, no-one more so than Holly when she finds out the two of them are siblings. As the residents attempt to track Yaz down and uncover answers over her agenda in Erinsborough, a cautious Nicolette returns and doesn’t reveal what she knows.

When Gino Esposito talks up Eirini Rising to Sadie and Holly, Sadie has a light bulb moment, arranging for Gino to pamper Vera, who’s thrilled at the opportunity to have her hair done by a living breathing hairstyling legend. Gino works wonders on Vera’s hair and in the process, talks up the virtues of life at Eirini Rising, including all the gossip, scandal and eligible men. The two get along like a house on fire and Sadie’s plan to get Vera interested in moving to Eirini seems to be working. But when Byron overdoes the upsell, Vera coYons on and refuses to consider it, leaving Sadie fuming at Byron.

The first anniversary of David’s passing is approaching and discussions over how to mark the occasion leave Aaron melancholic. He covers his growing unease in front of Rhett, but reveals it to Jane, admitting that he’s not sure if he’s ready to move on as being sad makes him feel close to David and he doesn’t want to let that go.

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