
Hollyoaks confirms unexpected and very dark Grace Black twist as Vicky reels

Grace Black sinisterly smiling as Vicky appears worried in Hollyoaks
Grace Black lived up to her reputation as Vicky Grant realised the hard way that she’s not to be messed with (Picture: Lime Pictures)

Hollyoaks spoilers follow for Monday’s (February 24) episode that is now available to view on Channel 4 streaming. The episode in question will air on E4 on at 7pm.

Vicky Grant’s (Anya Lawrence) life is in peril after Grace Black (Tamara Wall) teamed up with Robbie Roscoe (Charlie Wernham) to make her pay.

Grace, as fans are aware, has well and truly returned to the dark side as part of a child exploitation storyline, encouraging co-conspirator Rex Gallagher (Jonny Labey) to target Frankie Osborne (Isabelle Smith).

Word of Vicky and Freddie Roscoe’s (Charlie Clapham) affair therefore couldn’t have come at a worse time for them, with Grace determined to prove that nobody messes with her.

With Robbie now in the know about Vicky’s betrayal, Freddie confessed all to Grace in Monday’s offering of the soap. Horrified, Grace retaliated by revealing that she organised to have herself shot at Christmas time in order to win back his affection.

The gangster then turned her attention to Vicky, with a brawl ensuing in the middle of the village between the two.

With Vicky ending up getting the better of her, Grace was determined to fight back, joining forces with Robbie in a bid to get rid of her once and for all.

Vicky was left terrified for her life – will she be okay? (Picture: Lime Pictures)

Metro’s not going to give everything away that happened in the episode, which contained some pretty epic showdowns and confrontations, but let’s just say that Vicky’s life is very seriously in danger, with Rex in possession of a gun and determined to get revenge on behalf of his sister.

Is this really the end for Vicky? Or is there another twist to come?

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