
Spoiler: Hollyoaks is saddened as Ro Hutchinson goes to jail

Hollyoaks spoilers follow.

Hollyoaks is set to air a heartbreaking development in Ro Hutchinson’s accidental stabbing of Oscar Osborne.

In recent scenes, Ro admitted carrying a knife for protection and brandishing against transphobic bully Arlo when Oscar entered The Dog and got involved. As Ro could be convicted for assault, he worries he would be sent to a female young offenders’ facility.

In an upcoming episode, Ro tries to apologise to Oscar when he sees him in the village. Without his cochlear implant, a frightened Oscar is unable to hear Ro’s plea and stumbles and falls over.

The misunderstanding between the two kids is made worse by Arlo, who stirs the pot as he’s passing by.

Later on, Ro confides in his mum Diane about his fears of being sent to a facility for girls.

diane and ro hutchinson in hollyoaks

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diane and ro hutchinson in hollyoaks

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Diane then vows to protect her son, making a life-changing decision to help him.

Still worrying about what will happen to him, Ro seeks the help of Kathleen-Angel.

diane and ro hutchinson in hollyoaks

At the McQueens, the teen quizzes Prince about his time in jail and how he managed to go through it.

Prince advised him to keep his head down and blend in as much as possible.

As Nancy, Diane and Marie are having a heated argument about their children’s case going to court, Ro enters wearing a dress and make-up, insisting that he doesn’t want to be different.

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